Should You Be Draining Your Water Heater?
How frequently do you change the oil in your car? Depending on the model and make, it is possible that this occurs every 3000 to 5000 miles or 3 to 5 months. Changing the oil in your car regularly contributes to everything running smoothly while extending the overall life-span of the car. The same applies to water heaters. The majority of the manufacturers suggest flushing these water heaters at least every 12 months. Yet there is also a major warning: You have to ensure you maintain your water heater consistently, in the way of making sure you drain it out at least once a year, or you could experience a very leaky mess. Here is more information on what you need to know about draining a water heater.
The Reason Why Being Consistent With Draining A Water Heater Is So Important
When sediment starts to accumulate along the bottom of a water tank, this debris is typically not distributed evenly and usually collects in specific spots. These are the areas that are then exposed to higher heat, as this sediment starts to displace the water that is lying in the bottom area of the water tank.
This increase in heat breaks the steel down faster in these areas, which results in thinner metal and more potential failure areas. An inspection conducted every 6 to 12 months by a plumber that is certified can remove the sediment and make sure your Water Heater remains in the best condition.
Avoid Doing It Yourself
After many years of the sediment building up, the steel might have become thin enough that it now has small holes in it. The current sediment usually acts as a “plug” for these weakened areas in the tank. Think about what would happen when the tank is flushed out after a number of years of accumulated sediment. This sediment is flushed from these holes or thinning areas which is followed by your tank springing one or more leaks.
This is the reason why regular maintenance becomes so important. If you have not flushed the water heater for a number of years or ever, never risk trying to do this on your own. Rather contact the professionals at Smith and Son Plumbing to conduct a thorough inspection and for maintenance procedures for your water heater. We take the utmost care to examine water heaters followed by the appropriate course-of-action.
It is very easy to forget about maintenance for your water heater, so you may want to think about our Maintenance Agreement to ensure you never forget, and that your water heater is always serviced on time. If you are looking for more information about the processes involved in draining water heaters, schedule your appointment or ask us today!